Why lockdown has ruined me

My part in the great toast controversy  The danger of eating too many acrylamides  A useful snack list during lockdown Oh, how these lockdowns can change a person! This time last year, I barely used social media. I’ve always been an email guy, really. It’s my favourite way to write to friends, colleagues and YOU, of course! Personal, one to one, and private… I still think you cannot beat it. But then came the pandemic […]

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Why the future of medicine is inside you

How your gut is linked to these serious illnesses  When your microbiome becomes poisonous  Do you need a poo transplant? Recently I confessed that I’d not been feeling great during this last lockdown. I’d been overeating comfort foods out of anxiety and boredom, to the point where I really piled on the pounds. My stomach began to ache all the time and I felt pretty miserable in my head too. If you missed it, you […]

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The slippery way to treat stomach ache…

How the bark of a tree can help a stricken woman Want a Porsche? Then join the NHS I feel like a cyborg today… Half man, half robot. Or to be more precise, half lazy writer…half incompetent nurse, because as I speak (sorry, type), Lara is upstairs in bed nursing a sore tummy. And let me tell you, if it’s bad enough to send Lara to bed, it’s BAD. If I’m suffering, I tend to […]

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Ferment your way to better health, here’s how

This looks disgusting at first  But fermented drinks and probiotics are good for your gut and general health – click here for more information  Here’s how to ferment your own drinks Our friend Sarah had a glint in her eye as we sat around her kitchen table. “Are you ready?” she asked. “Sure,” said Lara. “Yes,” I nodded, “I’ve always wanted to see one in the flesh.” “Ok” said Sarah, sliding a large clay jar […]

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Moments like these could be so important

Why precious moments like these are so important for your wellbeing The benefits of being slow This wild, free food can lower your blood pressure, relieve kidney problems and improve your digestion Dear NAME The weather was lovely on Sunday. I decided to take my daily coronavirus constitutional… Formerly known as “walking the dog”. Off I went into the countryside near our home where I was captivated by a familiar scent. Wild garlic! Loads of […]

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